Easter is coming!
This year, Wednesday, March 5th
kicks off the season of Lent. Lent is the "40 day" period of
preparation prior to Easter. A quirky part of this ancient tradition
is that Sundays are not included in the count! So Easter is
actually 46 days away, landing on April 20th this year. But the
point is, Easter is coming, so now (Lent) is the time to starting
preparing our hearts and lives.
Easter Choir for easter day
Part of our special (10:00am)
Easter morning worship service will be a combined Easter choir.
Singers from both the Atwater Baptist and New Life churches will
gather for practice sessions on Saturdays at 10am. Hearing the
choir's praise will be a great part of our joyous celebration that
day. If you want to be part of this choir, come and join in on the
The practice dates will be: March 29, April 5, 12, & 19.
Spring is right around the corner
and that means summer is on its way!! And we all know what that
means…VBS!! For some, that stands for Vacation, BBQ, & Sun. But for
NLCC, that means Vacation Bible School and this year we are keeping
it "cool" by heading to Alaska and are looking for some adventurous
volunteers to come along with us.
Our first formal planning meeting will be Tuesday, March 25th at
6:30pm. Between then and now, if you are a station leader or want to
be part of a specific team, please reach out to me so I can get your
materials to you. July seems so far away but it will be here before
we know it. Seeing the materials early can help get the creative
juices flowing for ya! Mine already are for sure!
One’s smallest gesture can be the biggest blessing to someone else.
Be a big blessing today!
What is Faith Promise Giving?
The idea behind "Faith Promise Giving" is
simple: God loves the world and wants to work through us to reach
it! The Faith Promise has two parts: a prayer and a promise. Our
prayer is that God will supply money for missions beyond what we
expect (think, believe, have, expect). We pray for a specific amount
that we do not currently expect to earn or receive. We also promise
to give that money to missions when God supplies it. Faith promise
giving implies faith that God will supply. And He does! At our
missions conference, each of you will have the opportunity to
prayerfully seek to be a conduit of God's blessing and provision for
the sharing of His love to the world. Faith promise cards will be
made available for you, please ask in prayer how God would seek to
use you.
Kanvas Kids
New Life Kids, we have an opportunity for you to express your
creativity by making cards! Parents, you can pick up a bag of blank
canvas sheets at the Missions Table. Once the sheets are finished
turn them into the church office. The congregation will have the
opportunity to purchase the cards. The money will go to supporting
the Children’s Ministry.
RightNow Media– the NetFlix of Video Bible
Here is a gift for you as you start to shape your New Year, free
access to a huge video library called RightNow Media!
This is available to you whenever and wherever you want– on your
phone, tablet, computer, or on your TV to help with parenting,
marriage, discipleship and more. It includes content for all ages
and stages of life, and all of your family members are invited to
set up their own accounts as well.
You can create your free account in three simple steps:
1. Scan the code below to create your private account.
2. Download the RightNow Media app for your smart phone, tablet,
Apple TV, Roku, or Amazon Fire TV.
3. Enjoy!

ALPHA Pregnancy Help Center is putting on this fundraiser to help
support the moms in Merced County who choose LIFE for their baby.
Beginning Sunday, Jan. 19th baby bottles will be on the Missions
Table. Pick up a bottle and you can include check, cash, or coins.
You can even give online @ alphaphc.com/donate. For more information
you can call 209-383-4700
Get The Tithe.ly app
If you are one of those who have become accustomed to purchasing
items online or paying bills with your phone, maybe you'd like to
give to the church in this manner as well. Our church utilizes an
app called the Tithe.ly app for your convenience. You can download
the Tithe.ly app for free on your phone via either the APP Store or
Google Play. Just create your account and find us on their list of
churches (New Life Community Church Atwater). It is a safe, secure,
fast, and easy way to continue to support the ongoing ministry needs
of the church you love.
Coming To A Device Near You! RightNow Media The Wednesday night bible study is utilizing the digital teaching of
Bob Goff in the series "Love in Chaos" that we have access to via
the online video library at Right Now Media. It has been a blast,
but this series is just the tip of the iceberg of resources at Right
Now. Even more good news: every member of the New Life family has
access to this incredible resource for groups or your own individual
enjoyment as well (on your computer, tablet, or phone)! To open this
resource, simply use the QR code blow, sign in, and enjoy exploring
all they have in store for you!

Follow Us On Instagram! New Life Community Church has moved into
the realm of Instagram! In the last two months, we've opened a page
specifically for our Youth Ministries (thanks Amanda) and now one
more generally for all the church family (thanks Brandy). They are
both a great way to follow what's going on at church, and also a
great vehicle to share with your friends that New Life may be the
place for them as well. So check it out, the youth page is: @ newlifecc_youth And the church page is: @ newlife_atwater
Give us a follow!
Men's Breakfast and Bible Study Guys, Brooks Ranch is the site! Every Wednesday morning we gather at
7:00 am for breakfast and Bible study.
Social Media and the Church Don’t forget we have a presence on Facebook to help connect,
encourage, and inform the congregation. If you are a Facebooker
please search for and join the "Friends and Family of New Life
Community Church" group. Also, for you Instagrammers, we will soon
be launching our official New Life Instagram page. Let’s stay connected!
Remote and/or Face to Face? We will continue to offer the weekly live-stream worship
option through the Facebook platform. Nursery care is available for young families and
the option of Sunday school is available. If you or someone in
your family is not feeling well, please enjoy the live-stream from
your home. And please continue to pray for health and safety and
that the grace of God and the impact of the church will continue to
be spread.
Zoom prayer time continues online until further notice. Watch for
the login code on our Friends and Family page on Facebook.
We will continue Wednesday morning Bible study with Pastor John's
video uploads every Wednesday morning on Facebook until further
New Options For Church Giving
We have introduced Tithe.ly as an option for on-line/mobile
giving to the church. The three options that are now available to
you are the mobile app (through your smart phone), text giving and
website giving. The app, which you will need to
download, is called Tithe.ly, and it can be found at the App Store
(iPhones) or on Google Play (Android). Once Tithe.ly (the green
icon) is downloaded, you will set a password and pin # just for your
security. You will then be asked what church you’d like to donate
to. Type in "New Life Community Church" , scroll down until you find
our church with the Atwater address (yes, there are many New Life's
out there! We're about the 10th one down the list). You will be
guided to choose how you'll pay (directly from your bank account or
via a debit or credit card) and you are good to go! There are
transaction fees with this method, but they will generally be less
than 3%. Tithe.ly is a simple and secure way to continue to support
our church during this time of being separated and in the future.
For text-giving: simply send a text to the # 8554638567 and in the
message box type the word "Give", and you will be led through the
steps to contribute to the church through this means. And finally,
the option to give through the New Life webpage(http://
www.newlifeatwater.org). Go to the site, click on the "Give" tab
near the top of the page and you will be guided through the
contribution process. Of course, if you are in the habit of writing
a check, and would like to continue doing that please do, just drop
it in the mail to the church (2124 First Street, Atwater). We are
not replacing our usual ways of giving, just giving more options for
your convenience.
Call to prayer
Although we cannot yet get together, our Tuesday morning prayer
group is fully functioning once again through the medium of Zoom.
Download Zoom on your computer or smartphone, click on the link
we'll post each Tuesday, 11:00 a.m., on the Friends and Family of
New Life Community Church Facebook page and you will be brought into
the prayer meeting to pray for the needs of our community and our
church family.
Every Sunday thru Facebook Live!
One of the blessings that this shut down has afforded us, has been
the experience of the live stream worship service! Until we can
safely gather at the sanctuary (and even after that) we'll continue
offering the live online worship experience every Sunday morning at
9:00. Simply go to Facebook, click on the New Life Community Church
Atwater page (https://
where the live stream can be viewed. You can also find recordings of
the service if you choose to participate at a later time. You are
likely one of the many who have "tuned in" so far, but if not please
join us and invite your friends to join you for church this Sunday
from the comforts of home!
RightNow Media
If you have not signed up for RightNow Media (free electronic
library with New Life's account), do it today! Use the barcode below
for your smart phone or notify us with a response card or call to
the office (we need your email address), and we'll make sure you get
an invitation. Follow the directions to set up an accout and then
explore all that RightNow Media has!
Start the new year with the Bible at your fingertips. Download the
Bible App.
