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"Where New Life is Found in Christ"
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A New Look

(Pastor John Motz)

Expect to see some changes in the coming weeks when you come to church! A long overdue make-over (a fresh coat of paint) is on the way! The current look has worked for a long time, but paint does not last forever, and it's time to spruce this place up! You will be hearing more about options for our new look, and everyone will have a say in the final decision. We hope to strike the perfect balance between a place we are comfortable attending and a place that is inviting to those who have yet to attend.

It was said of David when God selected him as king that "the Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (1Samuel 16:7) Similarly, I'm sure the Lord is more concerned with how we love (Him and one another) than the color of the building we gather in, but still, let's seek to honor him even in the paint we choose!

Contact us: newlifetoday@sbcglobal.net
A Christ Centered, Bible based, Spirit empowered, Prayer dependant, Ministry minded Church.